“Ridding the world of nuclear weapons will take courage”

In examining the issue of nuclear weapons, it is always important to remember their humanitarian consequences. This is not an abstract theory – it is a real threat.

IPPNW peace and health blog

ICAN closing statement to the Second Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons

February 14, 2014

[Ray Acheson of WILPF’s Reaching Critical Will project and a member of ICAN’s International Steering Group, read the following statement during the closing session of the Second Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons in Nayarit, Mexico.]

Ray Acheson speaks on behalf of ICAN Ray Acheson speaks on behalf of ICAN

I am speaking on behalf of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, a coalition of over 350 organisations in 90 countries.

We have been given over the past two days a chilling reminder of what nuclear weapons are, and what they do.

They do not bring security. They bring death and destruction on a scale that cannot be justified for any reason.

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